Sciatica can be an amazingly painful condition. The symptoms can include back pain with pain into the butt, thigh, calf, sometimes the foot and even the groin. There can even be pain into the genital area. Amazingly sometimes there is no back pain at all but just a combination of pain in the other regions mentioned (leg, butt, thigh, groin etc…).
I have had patients come in to see me embarrassed about their symptoms (especially with the groin or genital pain) and confused because their family doctor really had no suggestions or solutions.
Here is the cool thing: We can help you fix it.
If its chronic and has been around a long time, or if it is relatively new and only been there a week or two there are a ton of things we can do.
Often sciatica results from inflammation in and around the sciatic nerve. This big nerve travels down your leg and provides motor power and sensation to the whole leg. This is why the pain can be is such varied locations. Prolonged standing often really aggravates this pain. Sometimes it is difficult to find a position that is at all comfortable. Sleep can even be interrupted.
When I treat this condition I always do deep tissue treatment to the sacroiliac joints and piriformis muscle. This joint and muscle are the closest things to the sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle actually lays right on top of the sciatic nerve and can compress it if it is too tight. So muscle treatment, treatment of the joints to relieve the inflammation in the area and restore motion to the joint are key in solving this problem. Prescription of exercise is also key to stretch tight muscles and strengthen the core to ensure this condition doesn’t come back.
I too have suffered with sciatica and know what a pain in the butt it can be. It doesn’t need to be suffered with – there is something that we can do about it.